Select an FTP Folder.
Enter the following information:

Site Name:
A descriptive name to jog your memory. Recently
accessed folders will be stored and available from the dropdown
next time you return to this screen so that you don't need to
re-enter the information.
The address you normally use to access the FTP
folder. You can cut and paste the address from your web browser or
FTP utility. You do not need to specify "ftp://", but you can if
you want. You can specify sub-folders by using forward slashes.
For example, if your FTP folder address is ""
and inside you want to go to the folder "schedule", and then the
folder "Q1 Baseline", then enter the full address as: Baseline
The default value for FTP ports is 21. Only
change this number if your FTP folder is on a non-standard port.
User Name and Password:
These are what you normally use to log in to
your FTP folder.