I have posted a couple times in the past indicating how good I think pdfRedirect is for its clean interface, trouble-free use, etc.
I just wanted to add one more plug for its great compression capabilities. I regularly use it to save various monthly statements from different companies. I typically get savings of 50%, often up to 80% of original file size. Real example: I just reduced a 288KB PDF file to 45KB (that's 84% off!). Add to that further file size reduction by reducing page count (by discarding ads, fine-print, and other pages that are not truly part of a statement). For the same example, I needed only 2 of the 3 pages--final file size 39KB.
Now not every PDF file reduces that dramatically. Occasionally it will even increase slightly. But having used the product for a couple years, I personally get dramatic file reductions most (90% or so) of the time.
Thank you again for a great product.
~~Michael Sorens
~~Software Consultant
~~Adjunct Instructor, Community Colleges of Spokane (http://ccs.spokane.cc.wa.us/)
~~Open Source Developer (http://cleancode.sourceforge.net/)