When I try to print, no matter what I do the SAVE button is not available. I upgraded to v.2.1.9 and still the same thing. I turned on the log and here is what I see:
96,26586.77,"UI",3,"START LOGGING: 4/6/2006 7:23:06 AM" 96,26586.77,"UI",4,"User clicked on checkbox to start Logging" 96,26586.77,"UI",5,"Failed to Find Capture's Comm Channel" 96,26589.85,"UI",6,"Saving Preferences to file..." 96,26590.19,"UI",7," - Completed Writing to INI Preferences File" 96,26590.19,"UI",8,"Failed to Find Capture's Comm Channel" 96,26590.2,"UI",9,"***************************************" 96,26590.2,"UI",10," AN UNEXPECTED ERROR HAS OCCURED in SaveBatchSettings" 96,26590.2,"UI",11,"***************************************" 96,26590.2,"UI",12," - DLL Error Number = 0" 96,26590.2,"UI",13," - Error Number = 9 Error Text: Subscript out of range" 96,26592.76,"UI",14," - Disconnect FTP Folder" 96,26592.76,"UI",15," - Disconnect from SMTP Engine" 96,26592.77,"UI",16,"Cancel Button Pressed" 96,26592.77,"UI",17,"Failed to Find Capture's Comm Channel" 96,26592.77,"UI",18," - Cleanup Temp Folder" 96,26592.77,"UI",19,"Clean up Temp Files" 96,26592.77,"UI",20,"Saving Preferences to file..." 96,26593.15,"UI",21," - Completed Writing to INI Preferences File" 96,26593.25,"UI",22,"Program Completed. Shutting Down." 96,26593.25,"UI",23,"STOP LOGGING: 4/6/2006 7:23:13 AM"
...also when trying to print I see this in the log file...
96,27877.33,"CA",3,"START LOGGING: 4/6/2006 7:44:37 AM" 96,27877.33,"CA",4,"Windows Version: 2- 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2" 96,27877.33,"CA",5,"AppData Path: C:\Documents and Settings\xyz\Application Data\PDF reDirect\" 96,27877.33,"CA",6,"Resources Path: C:\Program Files\PDF reDirect\" 96,27877.33,"CA",7,"Temp Path: C:\Documents and Settings\xyz\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\" 96,27877.35,"CA",8,"Thumbnails Path: C:\Documents and Settings\xyz\Application Data\PDF reDirect\Temp\Thumbnails\" 96,27877.35,"CA",9,"Get Command Line Data." 96,27877.35,"CA",10," - Loading the Batch ini data for PDF reDirect v2" 96,27877.35,"CA",11,"An expected Error Occured in LoadBatchSettings" 96,27877.35,"CA",12," - DLL Error Number = 0" 96,27877.35,"CA",13," - Error Number = 53 Error Text: File not found" 96,27877.35,"CA",14,"-> Document Name is: login_user_asp?FID=0" 96,27877.35,"CA",15,"-> UserName is: xyz" 96,27877.35,"CA",16,"-> UniqueID is: 1715252443" 96,27877.35,"CA",17,"-> Who started me is = 1" 96,27877.35,"CA",18,"Load Library C:\Program Files\PDF reDirect\bin\gsdll32.dll..." 96,27877.38,"CA",19,"...Success."
It looks like I'm missing an ini file???