A user reported that he was using the e-mail send-via-Outlook (MAPI) feature in PDF reDirect Pro and that his recipients were not able to read the e-mails, and instead were receiving a mysterious winmail.dat attachment.
That attachment is not so mysterious: this is the standard way that Microsoft Exchange and Outlook sends e-mails, but Apple products do not know how to decode that attachment to re-construct the e-mail.
Anyway, please see a patch below for v2.5.2* users which fixes the problem, and ensures that the e-mail is sent as a plain text e-mail with the proper separate PDF attachment. This will be fixed permanently in the next version. *The version number is shown in the program, right above the "[Save]" button.
Patch Installation Instructions
- Stop PDF reDirect (if running)
- (optional) Open the Task Manager, and check to make sure that Capture.exe is not running.
- Navigate to where your copy of PDF reDirect is currently installed, most likely as follows:
- Windows (32 bit): C:\Program Files\PDF reDirect\
- Windows (64 bit): C:\Program Files\PDF reDirect (x86)\
- Rename the program "Capture.exe: to "Capture.old"
- Note: you will get a warning from Windows asking if you are sure. The answer is "yes"
- download the fix from here:
- http://www.exp-systems.com/PDFreDirect/Download/Capture_v252_iPhoneFix.zip
- Unzip to your PDF reDirect folder (step 3)
------------- Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC