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PDF Encription Error

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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Using PDF reDirect
Forum Discription: Questions and Comments on using PDF reDirect Freeware and Pro
Printed Date: 27 Feb 25 at 7:41PM

Topic: PDF Encription Error
Posted By: Robin D.
Subject: PDF Encription Error
Date Posted: 06 Apr 11 at 12:52PM
Hello All.
I just downloaded PDF redirect. I have tried two files now and no luck.  I picked a password for encription. Merged my document and then went to step 3 and renamed my file.  Error message "Path not found".
Please help.
I have now tried 3 different docs.  "An error occured in fromMain-usbsave_click.

Please help.


Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 07 Apr 11 at 12:44AM

Hello Robin,

     Thank you for your interest in PDF reDirect.

     I am sorry to hear of the problem you are experiencing with PDF reDirect. I would recommend that you check which version on are running. The version number is shown in the header bar, just above the “Save” button. You should be using at v2.5.2 (I think the problem you are referring to existed with v2.5.0).

    If you are running v2.5.2, then I am not sure I know what is wrong. I can suggest you "record" an error log and send it to me so that I can see where the error is occurring, and hopefully why. This is how it is done:

  1. Start PDF reDirect (manually, or through the "Print" command)
  2. Click on the green "Preferences" button
  3. Select "Generate Log Files"
  4. Click "OK" to save your settings
  5. Click on "Exit" to quit out of PDFreDirect
  6. Try to create and encrypt a new PDF file. (Click on "OK" if the error occurs again).
  7. Click on the green "Preferences" button
  8. Click on the "View Log File" button
  9. Copy and paste the error log in an e-mail back to me. (see the e-mail I just sent you for my address).
  10. You can turn the error logging back OFF.

    Hopefully I can make some sense of what is going on by looking at the log.

    Best regards,

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

Posted By: LisaO
Date Posted: 07 Oct 11 at 7:01PM
What was the outcome to this error?  I am currently experiencing the same error when trying to encrypt a PDF document.  ERROR:  Sorry an error occured in frmMain-usbSave_Click  
1-00076-Path not found  
Version showing above "Save" button is v2.5.2.
Thank you, Lisa

Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 07 Oct 11 at 11:36PM

   Yes: we found the problem.  

   The log showed that Robin was trying to save to a “Windows 7 library”. However, because a “library” is a collection of folders, the root level is not a location on the hard drive, and therefore cannot be saved to. I have a beta v2.5.5 which fixes this problem which will be out soon.

    In the mean time, try saving to a sub-folder inside the library: that should work better.

    I hope that helps, but do let me know if you continue having the problem.

Michel Korwin-Szymanowski
EXP Systems LLC

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