Batch Printer
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Category: PDF reDirect
Forum Name: Programming
Forum Discription: VBA and Batch Tools to control PDF reDirect Pro
Printed Date: 11 Mar 25 at 12:01AM
Topic: Batch Printer
Posted By: ceike
Subject: Batch Printer
Date Posted: 27 Jan 06 at 9:49AM
For test, i have install PDF reDirect ProV2.1.1 on Windows XP (SP1).
When i want to add a Batch Printer, i get the message:
"Sorry. PDF Batch Printer could not be added. There was an error"
Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 28 Jan 06 at 10:10AM
Sorry to hear of the problem. Are you using a Windows Account that has the needed permission to install a printer?
If the problem persists, then you can go into the [Preferences], click the "General" button, then select "Generate Log Files". Then, try to create a new batch printer. After it fails, go back to the "General" area and click on the "Submit Bug Report" button to send me the log files. I can take a look and see what kind of error you got.
Posted By: ceike
Date Posted: 30 Jan 06 at 2:17AM
Hi Michel,
the Windows Account to install a printer should be ok. The Installation of PDF reDirect was without errors.
Here the contents of the Logfile:
30,27425.38,"UI",0,"" 30,27425.38,"UI",1,"" 30,27425.38,"UI",2,"------------------------------------------------------------" 30,27425.38,"UI",3,"START LOGGING: 30.01.2006 07:37:05" 30,27425.38,"UI",4,"User clicked on checkbox to start Logging" 30,27425.38,"UI",5,"GENERATE EVENT: NSYJM" 30,27432.61,"UI",6," ->No Batch ini files found." 30,27444.78,"UI",7,"Temporarily Stop Logging to show user the log file" 30,27444.78,"UI",8,"STOP LOGGING: 30.01.2006 07:37:24"
Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 30 Jan 06 at 11:36AM
Thanks for the log file. I will take a look here and see if I can duplicate the problem. Here is my log for reference: it seems like I was able to generate the batch settings files, and you were not, for whatever reason. Can you confirm that there are no "unicode" characters in the Batch Printer's name: that is, you are not using Japanese, Chinese or Cyrillic characters?
30,37989.58,"UI",3,"START LOGGING: 1/30/2006 10:33:09 AM"
30,37989.58,"UI",4,"User clicked on checkbox to start Logging"
30,37989.58,"UI",5,"GENERATE EVENT: WZQNM"
30,37991.22,"UI",6," - Loading the Batch ini data for Hello"
30,38002.42,"UI",7,"Setting TT Font Download to Outline..."
30,38010.45,"UI",9,"STOP LOGGING: 1/30/2006 10:33:30 AM"
Posted By: ceike
Date Posted: 31 Jan 06 at 2:04AM
i test it now on another computer, there the Batch-Printer works very good!
I found, that by the Installation on the first Computer, the Microsoft Windows Logo Test apperas two times with the request to go furhter on with the Installation!?
Thanks for your Help!
Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 02 Feb 06 at 1:47AM
The Windows Logo will appear if your Windows security setting are tight are require that you be presented with the warnings. This securiyt setting is more strict than the default setting.
Glad to hear that it is working OK now. 
Posted By: mjappel
Date Posted: 23 May 06 at 6:32AM
How do I change the output quality on batch printers in PDF Pro?
------------- martin
Posted By: Michel_K17
Date Posted: 23 May 06 at 8:47AM
You can change it manually, via the batch printer settings in the "Preferences" area. You need v2.1.0 or higher.
If you want to do it programatically via VBA, look at the sample code in the VB Class: you can see how the settings are changed as a simple text file. The PDF settings are in a long string as follows:
UserAppData.Settings = "-P0-Q2-C0-R0-L0-E0-B0-S0-H0"
- PDF Engine: GNU GS (=0), AFPL GS (=1), DISTILLER (=2). Default: "-P0"
- Quality: Very High (=0), High (=1), Good (=2), Poor (=3). Default: "-Q2"
- Colour: RGB (=0) or CMYK (=1). Default: "-C0"
- Rotate: Auto (=0) or Force Rotate Right (=1). Default: "-R0"
- Lock PDF File: None (=0), No Print/No Cut'n'Paste/No Save (=1). Default: "-L0"
- NOT USED: "-E0"
- emBedallFonts: No = 0 (default) Yes = 1 (including standard fonts)
- noSubset: No = 0 (default = subset) Yes = 1 (ie include the entire font = no subset)
- addHyperlinks: No = 0 Yes = 1 (default) (including standard fonts)
So, simply create a new routine to change the quality settings. I hope that helps.